- Jamie Brenzel,
CEO at KineticD, says:
It's a worst case
scenario - the network is underwater and the entire organization’s critical applications
and associated data have disappeared. It is every business owner’s fear. Whether
it’s due to theft, a hard drive crash or a hurricane, the loss of company data can
cripple progress, leaving businesses stranded and holding the proverbial bag.
Business owners often
don’t think about the procedures necessary to backup data, much less the
recovery process involved in the event of a system failure. Unfortunately, what
many don’t realize is that the stalwart back up methods of the past such as
tape, DVD’s or CD’s, have become painfully old fashioned in today’s
data-centric world.
While many small-to-mid-sized
businesses (SMBs) think ALL of their data is being captured and stored in a
safe place, the reality is that very often they are wrong. The truth is that many
mission critical programs are not being backed up because, when left open, they
are outside the parameters of standard backup procedures.
The golden question all
business owners should ask is simple: “If my computer disappeared tomorrow, could
my business survive without past emails, contacts, work schedules and accounting
data?” If the answer is no, then it’s time to take a closer look at your backup
and data recovery procedures.
The Dilemma
Critical non-standard databases,
such as QuickBooks and Outlook along with other accounting software and legacy
applications, as well as databases such as MS Access and MySQL, may not be VSS-aware.
This means they lack the standard that allows files or databases to be backed
up when in use. This lack of functionality leaves many SMBs and IT managers empty-handed
in the event of a system failure or disaster.
QuickBooks and
Outlook data is infamous for being left out of standard backup routine
practices. The ongoing dilemma of backing up this critical data continues to be
the fact that most employees, even CEO’s, forget to shut down these programs
when leaving for the day. Unless special precautions are taken, it is likely
that when attempting to restore these critical data files they will be outdated…
or worse, corrupted. This is true of many mission-critical programs that keep
businesses running.
Outlook is a
critical application for businesses of all sizes. If it is not closed, many
backup tools are unable to access the ever-important .PST files, leaving companies
open to a potential disaster should the program crash. The .PST contains all of
your Outlook data, including emails, contacts, calendar events, notes and
schedules; and file backup doesn’t necessarily happen automatically. Regular backup
of the .PST file is critical for restoring your most recent data.
For those of us who
are email hoarders, keeping all email correspondence in Outlook can cause the
.PST to reach gigabyte proportions very quickly. These large and unruly files
can produce unexpected problems when backing them up. Many backup systems can “time out” or even
worse, demand an extra tape or CD to complete the backup routine when your
office is closed and employees are gone for the day.
A good starting point
is to look for a Microsoft Certified backup vendor that follows the best
practices set by Microsoft. Selecting backup software that doesn’t conflict
with Windows or other low-level drivers, such as antivirus programs and
software firewalls, should be a key element in identifying a backup vendor.
personal data and financial records rank high on the list of importance. This
is especially true for business owners. QuickBooks, the popular accounting
software is another application many SMBs can’t do without. The absence of an Application Programming Interface (API)
presents ongoing challenges for protecting corporate financial data. An API
allows third party companies to integrate special functions, such as requests for
a data dump for easy backup. Currently, there is no safe method to programmatically
dump your QuickBooks data to a secure place for easy backup at the end of the
day, and without an API, developers can’t create one for QuickBooks.
QuickBooks to back up automatically to a specific folder is recommended, which
allows your data to be verified regularly. From there, schedule your third
party backup software to back up to that folder. This ensures that QuickBooks
is in a good state before your backup software runs. Not following these best
practices could lead to a corrupted QuickBooks database file.
QuickBooks files
that your company must make sure are backed up:
.QBW = quickbooks Primary Data File
.QBB = quickbooks Backup File
.QBA = quickbooks Accountant’s Copy File
(May also be a
.AIF [Accountant’s Import File])
.QBA.TLG = Transaction log file (for the accountant’s review copy)
.QBM = quickbooks Portable Company File (for
version 2006 and above).
.QBI = quickbooks Crash Roll Back File
.QBX = quickbooks Accountant Transfer File
.QDT = quickbooks United Kingdom Accountant Data
The backup challenges
of these programs are unique; so considering the alternatives that address this
lack of functionality is important. Some data backup companies provide
solutions that include the ability to continuously back up your programs and
data, no matter where that device is located and even while the programs are
open and in use.
Data Security Drill
If you are
questioning how secure your data is, you should test it. Just like any safety drill,
the best way to make sure is to put your backup method to the test. If
possible, locate a spare computer, wipe the drive and attempt to do a complete
restore of company applications and associated data. Then ask the following
- Are you able to restore your backup files in one simple step?
- Do you have easy access to those applications and have you kept track
of the associated upgrades?
- Do you need to re-install all of your applications individually?
- Does your Outlook, QuickBooks and other proprietary data install
- Do you end up with the most current data when you have completed the restoration?
Keep track of the
time it takes you to complete the restoration from beginning to end, then
multiply that by the number of computers you have within your organization. Many
SMBs are unaware that the secret of data recovery is the time it takes to
restore the data, which is generally governed by your company’s Internet bandwidth
restrictions. When your computers are down, every minute counts.
Data backup is as
important to your business as an insurance policy. Computers can be replaced if
lost in a disaster, or stolen during a break-in. But if you don’t have a
reliable, secure method of restoring your data, all the money in the world
isn’t going to bring back those missing files.
Ideally there would be
no need to back up your company’s data; computers and hard drives would last
forever, outside threats like malicious hackers and natural disasters would be
non-existent and employees would never forget to save a file, or close a
program. Unfortunately this perfect world does not exist. For this reason,
businesses of all types and sizes should take the necessary steps to protect
their data at all times if they wish to remain in business after the fact.
About the Author
Jamie brings over 15 years of
experience in investment banking and entrepreneurial startups to his role as
CEO of KineticD. Jamie holds an Honours Bachelor of Arts degree in
Politics and Philosophy from the University of Western Ontario.
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