Monday, December 17, 2012

Ensuring VoIP & Real-Time Application Delivery and Network Performance in Large Data Centers and Call Centers

- Donna Johnson, Director of Product Marketing, Talari Networks, says:

Data centers and call centers are increasingly requiring their WANs to support delay-intolerant applications, like VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol), that require significantly higher performance, predictability and reliability from the network. These large multi-located organizations typically have several locations and sites transmitting large amounts of data that require exceptional quality and performance to meet end-user satisfaction.  In short, the better the end-user experience, the better the results – demonstrating a direct correlation to business success. 

Talari's new Mercury T5000 delivers enterprise-grade WAN connectivity features to support the requirements of large data centers and call centers. The T5000 enhances application performance of the WAN across multiple WAN links from multiple providers and with policy-based QoS (Quality of Service). With the recent introduction of the T5000, Talari offers organizations a less expensive, more reliable way to transfer enormous amounts of data across the enterprise without link failure and with minimal or no disruption of a session whether using leased lines or low-cost broadband Internet links. Its sophisticated QoS engine significantly improves WAN throughput, reliability and application performance predictability. 

Some key applications sensitive to WAN performance include VoIP, video conferencing and Virtual Desktop or screen sharing applications. Enterprise VoIP and video conferencing are among the most challenging applications to run over an enterprise WAN. Using Talari’s APNware software, the T5000 is optimized for voice packets and provides end-to-end QoS across multiple, simultaneous, disparate WAN networks, combining them into a seamless constantly monitored secure virtual WAN. 

For WANs used to carry VoIP traffic between national and international call centers, the T5000 provides reliable, quality bandwidth by leveraging less expensive Internet links to augment  or replace existing MPLS lines. This removes the need to use high cost, international MPLS lines for backup, dramatically reducing network costs. Additionally, the T5000 provides assured reliability in the event of network outages, which otherwise might be catastrophic and result in dropped calls, poor customer service, and significant loss to a business’ bottom line.  By using multiple active, load-sharing connections between all locations and by continuously monitoring each path for latency, jitter, loss and availability, calls and other data session can be instantly routed around poor quality and failed links. Using this technology, VoIP and other applications are isolated from quality issues, congestion and failure, and will not be affected by those issues.

The T5000 supports bandwidth aggregation up to 3G bps upstream and 3G bps downstream and acts as a control unit for all other Mercury network appliances, including the T510 for small office/home office and the T730, T750, and T3000 for large branch offices and corporate or main headquarters. It provides an ideal foundation for organizations that need to pump data across the virtual WAN at multi-gigabit rates. The T5000 provides WAN insurance to the end-users and peace of mind to IT organizations.   

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