Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Changemark Viewer Provides Key Features for Modern Workers

- Gary Heath, CEO, Informative Graphics Corporation (www.infograph.com), says:

In the digital age, the need to stay connected to our workplace has increased substantially. The introduction of easy-to-carry smartphones and tablets, coupled with the rise of Wi-Fi in every coffee shop, airport and hotel, has made us around-the-clock workers who expect access to needed documents, media, and information at all times. New technology, including VLC Media Player, and increased connection speeds have also made a broader spectrum of data types, adding video.

In response to the needs of this new plugged-in generation, IGC has focused on creating products that match the kind of content users need and give them the ability to do work that used to require a full workstation and full access to the file system and/or ECM system. To that end, the new Brava suite includes the Brava!® Changemark® Viewer for smartphones and video support for the Brava Enterprise Flash client.

The Brava Changemark Viewer, available in an HTML version for all smartphones and as an app for the iPhone, allows workers to quickly view and reply to comments and even see a zoomed view of the document area in question. This allows traditional, in-office workers to communicate effectively with a team member who is travelling, helping to eliminate long gaps in the review and approval cycle. Future releases of Brava will bring more robust functionality for tablets, where the larger screen-size makes more traditional view and markup tasks more realistic than the standard 3- to 4-inch phone screen.

As the use of video for marketing, training and other business communication has risen sharply, IGC saw the need to add video support to Brava. The latest Brava Enterprise enables annotation and collaboration on video clips in the latest cut of the Flash client, allowing corporate users to add comments and markups to any video clip. The Brava Flash client supports any video format playable by the Flash Player, including H.264, a popular mpeg format.

Technology will continue to evolve, especially around new media like video and touch-enabled devices. IGC will continue to offer the best viewing and collaboration software for the enterprise, delivering efficient, secure access to needed content no matter where you are.

About the Author
Gary Heath, CEO and Co-Founder of IGC, has more than 20 years of experience in developing enterprise applications. Incorporated in 1990, IGC is a leading developer of viewing, annotation, and redaction software. Since IGC’s inception, Gary’s leadership and innovation have been key drivers of the company’s growth. Under that leadership, IGC pioneered the concept of simple document security with its Visual Rights technology and introduced Redact-It, a software solution which removes privacy and sensitive content from documents. Email him at garyh@infograph.com.

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